Note*: Donations are facilitated and processed via a third-party provider named There is a fee for the service but it provides a secure platform to accept tithes online. It is one of the most popular providers for churches. Click here to read the details regarding the fees.

Donation Policy


At JBC, we believe Giving is a Christian Stewardship. As such, we encourage and practice “Grace-giving”. What is “Grace-giving”? Among many reasons, Christians give because:

1.   They acknowledge God’s goodness and provision with thankfulness

2.   They realize their responsibility, by serving as God’s hands, in meeting the needs of God’s Kingdom Agenda

Consequently, Christians Give, not begrudgingly, but joyfully, generously, eagerly and proportionately (2 Corinthians 8:1-12).  As a church, while we encourage those who are a part of this local church body to share in the ministry needs, we do NOT solicit donations from non-Christians, nor from Christians in general.

If you are not yet a believer in Jesus Christ, we sincerely urge you to consider His Claim as the Crucified, Buried and Risen Son of God, who loves you, and came into the world to redeem you from your sins. By whole-heartedly receiving Him as your Savior, you then become the child of God, and can have a personal relationship with God.

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, and belong to a local church, we urge you to be faithful to your local church first, and then give as God leads you to many other worthy causes.

If you should feel God has burdened you to support the ministry of Jireh Bible Church, then and only then, we welcome you to contribute to this ministry, and will receive it as from the Lord with thanksgiving.


在以勒聖經教會,  我們相信奉獻是基督徒應盡的管家職分。因此,我們鼓勵基督徒以 “恩典的原則” 回應神的祝福。什麼是 “恩典的原則”? 讓我們試舉其中兩項基督徒奉獻的緣由:

1.   我們承認擁有的一切都是神恩慈的供應,理當向神發出感恩的回應。

2.   基督徒明白當盡的義務,成為神的手、將奉獻交托在神的事工,並按照神的國度計劃,為神所用。

故此,基督徒應甘心樂意、慷慨、按神的祝福 “成比例” 地相對奉獻,而非存錙銖必較的心態來奉獻 (哥林多後書8:1-12) 。在教會中,我們勉勵教會中的肢體,按著本心酌定的、來共同分擔事工所需。同時,我們定意: 不征求非基督徒、或其他基督徒的捐獻。

如果您還沒有相信耶穌基督,我們衷誠地期待您早日認識這位神的兒子: 祂為您被釘十字架受死、埋葬、又從死裡復活。因著愛、為要救贖你我的罪孽,祂卑微降世。當您全心接受祂為救主,您就成為神的兒女,可以與天父有親子的關係了。

